Did you know that Bocce is the 3rd most popular sport in the world?
Today, there are approximately 25 million people playing Bocce
in the United States alone. We have been supporting the game of Bocce and related tournaments for over forty years.
History of Bocce
Bocce Court Design
The surface of a bocce court can be composed of stone dust, dirt, clay, grass or an artificial material.
Regulation bocce courts are generally 91
feet long by 13 feet long,
Rules of Bocce
The pallino must cross the middle of the court in order for the game to start. If not, it must be rethrown, or given to the other team to throw. A bocci is considered dead (or “morte” in Italian) when it hits the back wall.

One of the premier tournaments sanctioned by the Collegium is the Wolfeboro Classic, held in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. This tournament has been an annual event for over twenty years. This event attracts the premier Bocce players from all over the globe. A very competitive event, the tournament usually lasts 3 days.
As sponsor of this event, we produce all the clothing and tournament accessories, including trophies, for this annual event. Further, the courts are built to our official court design specifications and the game is played with the Bocce official rules as displayed on this site. If you need assistance, in putting on a tournament, email us at info@bocce.org.